Do not judge and you will not be judged.
Forgive and you will be forgiven.
Give and it will be given to you.
Luke 6: 37-38

30 May 2009

Jesus is my rock

We are back from Snettisham (Norfolk) where we have been since last Saturday. That night, Alan a friend from dad invited us to a chinese restaurant nearby and we had a great time. Alan and dad are catching up with old time stories. Alan sings in a choir and in the evening we listened to one of the choir cd. Great stuff.

On the Sunday, we met up with June and her husband Frank; June is dad's niece and Steven's cousin.
They came all the way from Leyland and installed their caravan next to ours and we had a bbq that evening. Our sister Pauline arrived a bit later, all the way from Wales. She was caught in a huge traffic due to an accident and went the wrong way. Finally Steven gave her directions on the phone and she found us! It was a little bit blustery.
Monday morning more people were to come, auntie Wendy and her husband Peter, Colin and Peter, Colin is a very good friend of dad. Steven and Franck put up the gazebo and at about 1ish, the birthday party started. 
Late in the evening Steven started to play the guitar and this was brill!
We had such a good time. Praise the Lord!
More to come!

20 May 2009

More photos!

Meet Dad in Norfolk.

These otters are waiting to be fed. We saw them in the sea life Center in Hunstanton. We had a great day even though it was pretty cold!

This is Cromer in Norfolk.The first time we went there, we actually had to buy the 'famous' Cromer crabs! Freshly prepared.

As we are preparing to go to Heacham next week to celebrate Dad's 90th birthday, we may go to Cromer again. I praise the Lord for those past holidays. May our next holiday be blessed too so that we can all meet in peace and appreciate our time with relatives and friends. In Jesus-Christ.

15 May 2009

One of my favourite songs!

At last, it's the week-end! I have had a bit of a busy week as on top of the normal load of marking and planning, i had the honor to do the assembly. Though I am used to talk in public and in front of a assembly of students and their parents, I never did an assembly. First I asked my form if they liked singing and they all panicked. You should have seen their face! No way, we can't sing. Questions were coming fast ! Miss, do you mean, we have to stand up and sing. Well you'll sing along with everybody else.
Finally the IT technician said I could not have a cable as his last two were not returned to him this was not good news! Then I thought i'd better talk to one music teacher at least. He said: our students are very competent at singing. However it depends on their mood.. I wouldn't say it's a safe option for a first assembly.
So in the end, I jotted a few notes, got some inspiration. You would have guessed that I prayed a lot for inspiration. Two of my tutees accepted to meet me at break to read their parts. One did not turn up! Never mind Emily was still happy to do it all. Finally she found Rachelle, another tutee who first had said, no way, I am not talking in front of everybody. Both read their parts beautifully.
I have posted the song I wanted us to sing. It was in You tube and I hope this is legal. If anybody knows it is not, please let me know!
Praise the Lord!

7 May 2009

More photos!

So last night, we had a PCC meeting and as it was only my second meeting, I was quite excited but trying not to show it! We all met at Joan, who kindly provided us with wine, coffee, cake and biscuits. We are so looking forward to the day when the portocabin will appear so that Christian outreach can fully develop in our village!

On the left, here are Stuart and Steven looking both very happy at the end of the meeting.

And here is Geraldine and she won't mind me saying that she is a famous local painter.Now, somehow, as I am blogging now, Joan's and Jenny's photos are blurred ! I can't understand why! You have already met Jenny in my posts on the kerygma's bus so I have added this photo of Joan and Geraldine. They came by at home after we all went to deliver invitations for Good Friday talk : why good Friday is good!
It is such a gorgous evening and I am going for a walk or a bike ride, not sure which yet.



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