Do not judge and you will not be judged.
Forgive and you will be forgiven.
Give and it will be given to you.
Luke 6: 37-38

23 September 2013

Does this ever happen to you?

For instance, the minute you are engrossed in something really interesting, i.e. just now, I was in the middle of reading a new post (Why did God create evil?), I got interrupted by our daughter asking why there was a cardboard box full of bath  towels in the middle of her room! How do I know? on second thoughts, it was probably brought there by mistakes because when we moved back in there were so many boxes everywhere...
Earlier on, my personal chef (lol) asked me whether I wanted some home grown potatoes and beans. I politely said no thanks, I'd rather have a tomatoe salad..For some reason,  I never had time to make my salad so when the fish appeared, I asked him if there was enough for me too..grumble grumble, ok, why did you change your mind...Don't know! Just did!
I have been told recently that my vocabulary includes too many of these: basically, anyway, well.. I did not say anything, wondering why/when I had started to use these regularly. The following day, at break, my colleagues and I were chatting away, and within 5 minutes, I'd heard the word 'basically' 5 times. Could this be a simple osmosis?
Blessings :)

21 September 2013

Take 30 post-it-notes

Whilst in the middle of unpacking boxes, I found a new website called and the section about marriage was interesting. I share the 'marriage maintenance idea' with you and I appreciate your feedback!

Marriage Maintenance – 30 Days of Appreciation

Here’s an exercise that will rejuvenate your marriage and cause you to consciously think about and appreciate your spouse on a new level. Take 30 post-it-notes and jot down something that you love or appreciate about your spouse on each one. For the next 30 days leave one note per day in places where he or she will find them.

You can leave your notes in the car, in his or her lunchbox, on the mirror in the bathroom, or in a dresser drawer or closet. Get creative. The thought you put into what you love and appreciate about your spouse for the next 30 days will serve as a reminder of why you fell in love in the first place.

Don’t allow complacency, stress, and the cares of this world to rob you of the freshness of married life. Nothing speaks to the world more than a healthy marriage. 
Keeping love alive in your marriage will assure that your marriage and your family will remain strong when the storms of life rush in.
Continue reading, click here
Special verses:
My beloved speaks and says to me: ‘Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away; for now the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtle-dove is heard in our land. The fig tree puts forth its figs, and the vines are in blossom; they give forth fragrance. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away. (Copyright: NRSV)
Song of Solomon 2:10-13

13 September 2013

Guilty conscience..

Thief Returns Bible Stolen 42 Years Ago From English Church After Guilty Conscience Eats Away at Him
A thief stricken with guilt has returned a 200-year-old bible, 42 years after he stole it from the Holy Trinity Church in Hastings, England. The anonymous thief included a note accompanying the stolen item, confessing his transgression and saying he wanted a clean conscience.
The bible was returned in a package, sent from Germany, to church treasurer Simon Scott earlier this week. Accompanying the package was an anonymous, typed note, which explained the story of a retired German man who, in 1971, made the foolish mistake of stealing the large, ornate bible from the Holy Trinity Church.

The thief explains in the letter that in 1971, he and his wife, who both spoke German, had just recently married and had decided to take language courses offered at the church to improve their English. They were disappointed with the quality of the classes, however, and as a form of retribution for the money spent on the courses, the young man decided to steal one of the bibles sitting in the corner of the church. He said his initial intent was to read each chapter of the bible with the hope of improving his English, although he admits he never got around to it.
"Back home I felt my action was not correct. Even more my wife was very angry and tried to persuade me to return the book," the man wrote in the note.

"This Bible always brought me a guilty conscience. I was too cowardly to hand it over personally. Now I am retired and I make a final impulse to clear my conscience. I deeply regret what I did and can only hope this Bible finds its rightful home again," the letter added.


12 September 2013

Oh my dear, I'll wait for you!

Have you ever been in a situation when you keep on doing the wrong things and you feel that nobody wants to listen to you. For different reasons, maybe you weren't there for your friends when they needed you.. Maybe the only friends you ended up having were your friends because they 'added' you in the gang that was 'following' them - there is a bit of 'celebrity' in this kind of false friendship, to be counted in the 'in' crowd can lead to dangerous situations. Or not only you feel rejected by your friends but also your family is experiencing huge problems, whether financial, emotional, you thought they were strong and stable, there for everything you thought was a rock is crumbling fast around you. What do you do?

The good news is that if you ever need someone to talk to, God is there 24/7 for you. He loves you, He is patient and full of compassion. He wants to welcome in His family, the family of all the Christian believers who believe in Jesus, his beloved son. He'll listen to every word you say, and cleanse your heart. He already knows everything about you and all the things that you have done that are bothering you and filling you with guilt.

Ponder on what Jesus said: 
 Come to me,all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”



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